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12-2016 | Seizure due to magnesium deficiency

A 57-year-old male patient had a first tonic clonic generalized epileptic seizure out of wakefulness without hints for focal onset. The patient was otherwise healthy. Diagnostic tests in another hospital including routine EEG and brain MRI were normal. During an outpatient visit, we attributed the spell to an isolated unprovoked seizure. Due to low seizure […]

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11-2016 | Three grand mal after sleep deprivation

A 42-year-old male patient reports that he had suffered tonic-clonic generalized seizures without focal signs or symptoms in his 22nd, 30th and 36th year of life. All seizures manifested within 60 min. after awakening and were preceded by very short sleep duration and significantly increased alcohol consumption the night before. Interictal EEGs demonstrated generalized 3/s […]

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10-2016 | Epileptic seizure or epilepsy?

A 49-year old female patient suffered a first clear generalized tonic-clonic seizure out of wakefulness in the early afternoon. She and a witness did not remember any clinical signs or symptoms that point to partial onset. The relevant question is: what is the risk for occurrence of another unprovoked seizure? In the emergency room, a […]

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9-2016 | Epilepsy with grand mal on awakening

A 26-year-old female patient suffers at age 18 and 19 years her first and up to now only three generalized tonic clonic seizures. All her seizures manifested within the first 30 min. after awakening in the morning. The patient reported that in those years she had a rather irregular sleep-wake-cycle. EEGs had demonstrated generalized spike-wave-complexes […]

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8-2016 | Do epileptic seizures always require antiepileptic drug treatment?

A 43-year-old female patient has experienced for 8 years short episodes of 5-10 sec duration with some feeling of pressure in her stomach, this is followed by a rather unspecific sensation affecting the whole body, eventually she feels some tightness of her whole body for another 20 sec. It was not entirely clear, if she […]

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7-2016 | Epileptic or dissociative seizure?

A 35-year-old male patient suffers for more than 10 years from episodes which let him experience an ascending feeling of fear, he then perfoms actions such as holding both hands in front of his face or lashing about with his left arm. During these episodes, he is awake and fully oriented, he answers questions correctly. […]

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6-2016 | Epilepsy and Narkolepsy

A 31-year-old male patient is seen regularly in out epilepsy outpatient clinic for more than 10 years. At age 18 years, he suffered a first tonic clonic generalized epileptic seizure early after awakening following a short night with 3 hours of sleep. In the following 13 years, he had another two generalized tonic clonic seizures, […]

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5-2016 | Epileptic seizures not diagnosed for 50 years

A 67-year-old female patient presents for the first time in our epilepsy outpatient clinic at the Charité in April 2016, she is accompanied by a friend. The patient reports that since her 11th year of life repetitive – often several times per year – stereotyped episodes with some “funny feeling” occur, which she hardly can […]

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4-2016 | Epileptic seizure shortly after stroke

A 67-year old male patient suffers form apoplectiform left-sided hemiparesis, predominantly affecting the upper extremity and the face. In the emergency room, the diagnosis of ischemic stroke is made. The patient is admitted to the specialized stroke unit. In the first night, for the first time he suffers a generalized tonic clonic epileptic seizure with […]

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3-2016 | Correct diagnosis only after withdrawal of antiepileptics

A 22-year-old male patient had suffered a first and up to now single generalized tonic-clonic seizure at the age of 11 years. Reports on initial EEGs demonstrated contradictory results with irregular bilateral spike-waves or normal recordings. Cranial MRI was normal. After that index seizure, the patient was treated with valproate, with increasing age the dose […]

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2-2016 | More than 1,000 fits …

… a 38-year-old female patient had suffered in the previous 20 years, not realizing that these were epileptic seizures. Since 17 years of age, the patient has experienced episodes with an initial perception of familiarity which is followed by short absences. The patient did not attach these –approximately weekly manifesting – episodes too much importance, […]

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1-2016 | Seizure-free with perampanel

A 23-year-old female patient with learning difficulties suffers from partial epilepsy with complex-partial and secondary generalized tonic clonic seizures since early childhood. So far, she was treated with nine different antiepileptic drugs in high doses without beeing seizure-free, this patient’s epilepsy is pharmacoresistant. High-resolution brain MRI did not detect any lesions. In pre-surgical monitoring with […]

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