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2-2018 | Once epilepsy – always epilepsy?

A 37-year-old male subject is denied by a casualty insurance to become an insurant due to the argument that he would suffer from epilepsy. Practically, the patient had bilateral tonic clonic seizures at age of 21 and 23 years out of wakefulness, he does not remember a focal onset. One of the seizures manifested at […]

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1-2018 | Cave: trigger for seizures

A 32-year-old male patient had his first generalized tonic clonic seizures at age of 16 years. Most of the seizures manifested within the first 60 min after awakening. The former EEG demonstrated spike-wave-complexes at a frequency of 3 Hz. This constellation indicates genetic generalized epilepsy (formerly, idiopathic generalized epilepsy), the subsyndrome is epilepsy with grand […]

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